• Q1: What is the nature of this secret project?

    Our project is a strategic initiative, fifteen years in the making, where we've assembled a team of the world's leading AI experts. The primary goal is to conquer challenges posed by big dragons in the industry, focusing on delivering exceptional results for luxury clients and top-tier coaching brands.

  • Who are the tech-savvy experts behind this project?

    Our project boasts the crème de la crème of tech-savvy AI experts from around the globe. These individuals bring a wealth of knowledge and innovation to the table, forming the backbone of our quest to redefine industry standards.

  • How do luxury clients and coaching brands fit into the equation?

    Luxury clients and top-tier coaching brands are integral to our project's success. They seek raving fans and collateral sales, and our team is dedicated to delivering these outcomes through cutting-edge AI solutions and strategic campaigns.

  • What is the requirement for tech experts to be part of the ecosystem?

    Tech experts interested in joining our ecosystem must have a 8 month assesment to demonstrate their skills and after 1 year a substantial budget to contribute to the cause. This financial commitment ensures a collaborative and mutually beneficial partnership.

  • How does the concept of subaccounts come into play?

    For those experts unable to meet the individual budget requirement, the concept of subaccounts provides an alternative avenue. Experts can collaborate and manage 49-day campaigns collectively, sharing the responsibilities and rewards within the ecosystem.

  • What happens in 2024?

    We are ready to go public with those who remained loyal to our cause. Despite any challenges faced during these years, loyalty is highly valued, and those who have stood by us will be rewarded as we transition into the public domain.

  • Can you reveal the companies behind the project, and how is the financial structure managed?

    No, the companies behind the project remain undisclosed. All entities involved are strategically based in Estonia and the United States. The project operates as a collective effort rather than a single entity, which is why main accounts sign agreements with the project's name. To ensure security and confidentiality, withdrawals are managed from various sources to the main company, acting as a passthrough. Advanced API techniques and a private wallet system facilitate seamless transactions between main accounts and their respective subaccounts, maintaining the integrity of the project's operations.

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